How far along: 31 weeks when you read this.
Total Weight Gain: Really, at this point I think I'll take that celebs perspective I read about in American Baby. The "I'm busy growing a baby and my weight doesn't matter as I'm healthy for the baby". I read this particular celeb even got on the scale at her doctor's appointments backwards so she didn't see her weight. Go her!
Maternity Clothes: Um, yes and no still. I have caved twice and worn a maternity top. I just can't do it. I don't like the way they look on me at all this time and I'm too lazy to go shopping in stores my town doesn't have to look for something new.
Sleep: The normal. One or two kids {or dogs} up during the night which usually results in a trip to the bathroom for me.
Best Moments: We finished our Christmas shopping {minus stocking stuffers for the kiddos} and Thanksgiving! I love my mother-in-law's pies - yummy! Also, the couple of times Eli came up to "hug the baby" kind of melted my heart. He's a sweet kid anyway but having him wrap is arms around my middle and lay his head on my bump is just too precious.
Movement: All. The. Time. Cinco isn't shy about shifting positions and {at least several times a day} pushes so hard it hurts. Definitely a strong and active baby!
Food Cravings: Not really. For whatever reason I've gone back to the nothing-sounds-good phase.
Gender: We'll all know soon! I bought a super-cute FHSU hair bow to go with Cinco's FHSU coming-home outfit. I really need to get crack'n and get a little black and gold tutu ready to go {and maybe a red and yellow one for our Chiefs outfits}. We'll be ready for anything. :)
Labor Signs: I'm sure I've mentioned we don't do "labor" in this house any more! I get some uncomfortable contractions in the evening as I'm doing a lot of bending to pick up toys but otherwise no. Hopefully we'll be setting Baby Cinco's c-section date soon! I'm in full countdown mode - only 8 weeks to go probably!
Ah...the picture. The first thing I notice is Cinco has gone through a growth spurt since the last one I posted {or maybe I should say the sweater is thicker than it looks!?} and wow is that gray hair starting to stand out!! How old am I again?
As for our doctor's appointment: I wasn't a very observant mama today, unless you count Izzy trying to use the light {ahem, the ones used for a pap exam} as a microphone {ladies, you can see how she could be confused}, or G trying to use the stool {with wheels!} to fly across the room. :) So other than taking care of those things I failed to hear my blood pressure {which has never been bad} or the baby's heartbeat {though the nurse had no trouble finding it and Cinco actually kicked and pushed back in protest}. All in all, both the nurse and doctor must have been happy/satisfied with the results.
Also, the final countdown, at least in my doctor's opinion, has begun. We go back in two weeks now instead of the usual four and he's looking at dates for Baby Cinco's birthday. He looked at his calendar and threw a date out there but, of course, the nurse {you know, the gals who usually know the doctor's schedule better than the doctors themselves do} will call to actually schedule the surgery so the date is nothing that is set in stone. But Cinco is coming. Soon. No lie, I actually left the office a little giddy knowing how close we are to holding our new wonder in our arms.
Also, the final countdown, at least in my doctor's opinion, has begun. We go back in two weeks now instead of the usual four and he's looking at dates for Baby Cinco's birthday. He looked at his calendar and threw a date out there but, of course, the nurse {you know, the gals who usually know the doctor's schedule better than the doctors themselves do} will call to actually schedule the surgery so the date is nothing that is set in stone. But Cinco is coming. Soon. No lie, I actually left the office a little giddy knowing how close we are to holding our new wonder in our arms.
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