Friday, September 13, 2013


I have so much to post from our busy-but-fabulous weekend but I couldn't wait another moment to post these!
Today we had our 20 week ultrasound for Baby Cinco.  Our tech got great pictures of our little guy/gal!  Here's a shot of Cinco's face. 
Cinco is measuring a little bigger than average.  Instead of 20 weeks and 1 day, Cinco is measuring in at 20 weeks and 5 days.  He or she is also weighing in at 14 ounces {a little bigger than the 10 ounce average}.  Nothing so outrageous that our due date will be changing but my chunky babies always make me smile!
Here's a profile shot.  The tech made the comment that Cinco is really curled up in there.  :)  Apparently the fuzzy spot in front of it's nose is a foot!  Talk about a limber little thing!
The typical spinal shot they give you.  The kids love this one.  They think it looks like a dinosaur!
I thought this was a unique angle.  I'm pretty sure we've never had one of these.  I told the kids that it's like someone taking a picture of their back/head while they were doing a somersault.  They pretended to get it.  ;)
So all in all, everything is looking good so far!  The best we can tell, we have a healthy baby boy or girl coming sometime at the end of January/beginning of February.  Praise the Lord!

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