Friday, March 28, 2014
Samuel's 2 Month Check Up
The smallest member of our family checked out just fine today. He weighed in at 13.1 lbs {80th percentile} and was 22 3/4 inches long {45th percentile}. He had three shots this trip which he was not impressed with. After getting home and getting his first dose of pain reliever he promptly fell into a restless sleep.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
2 Months
Wowzers what a day. Nothing terribly exciting happened but I feel like I am floundering in the seas. I feel a bit...directionless, I think is the adjective I'm looking for. There are so many things on my "not so important list" that I feel like I need to get through before I can focus on the "more important" things and I'm having to let go and freshen my perspective - and that is a work in progress. I want to be an awesome mom to my kiddos way before I want to be an amazing laundress, so why do I insist on putting my laundry first every day?? Well, for starters, I'd drown in clothing if I didn't put it first sometimes, but there is no reason to put it first every day. So this is me making a resolution to put my girls before my laundry tomorrow...and the day after that. By Saturday I'll probably have to put the laundry first temporarily or I'll find Claudine digging through my drawer for socks again.
And yes, I said "girls". G and Elizabeth definitely need some of their mama {or at least, their mama needs some of them!}. A certain little blessing gets plenty of his own time in. Speaking of which, here's and update on our growing 8 week old baby boy! Eight weeks. Two months. No matter how you say it I already feel like I'm losing the war with the grains of sand in my hands. Time is already slipping away.
Samuel is not a great sleeper but it's improving. In this photo I was apparently so desperate to get away unnoticed that I lay him in his pack n' play with the boppy pillow still under him. Picture me getting out of the rocking chair, walking over to the pack n' play with the pillow still around my waist with him on it and then ever so carefully bending over the side to lay him in there. Yep. Desperate. :)
Hanging out on the changing table while that goofy lady takes more pictures.
Samuel with his koala at 2 months old. He and the bear are still pretty much the same size.
Getting more alert and curious every day.The kids are really loving that Samuel is starting to interact with them. His coos and smiles keep them all coming back for more. I've also been pumping occasionally to let one of them feed him a bottle. Geralyn got a turn today and made it about 3/4 the way through before she got bored with it. Still pretty good for her and she was excited to do "her turn".
Smiling for his big sister G. He seems pretty drawn to her and she gets the biggest reactions from him so far.
It started as a small smile and then it grew!
I LOVE THESE KIDS! Looking at them I suddenly understand those silly princesses who just burst into song in the cartoons G watches. These guys make me want to sing my heart out!
Eli had to share his Lego Spiderman with Samuel for the pictures. I thought it was a sweet gesture!
Does anything say "love" more than this? Izzy adores her baby brother. I think the feeling is mutual!
Happy 2 months little guy!
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Samuel's Baptism
We had lots of family come in for Samuel's baptism on Sunday. Mom, Nana, AJ, Sydney, Adam, Grandpa and Grandma Stein all came to town on Saturday. Sunday morning was a perfect day for a baptism! Here's Aunt Renee {godmother} holding Samuel after Mass.
Me with AJ {godmother}.A cool fact: Boppa was actually there via face time all the way from Togo!!! Thumbs up to technology for that one!
Oils and Water.
Samuel afterwards with Father Kevin.
The seven of us with Father Kevin.
The seven of us with Samuel's godmothers and Father Kevin.
Eli got to blow out the Easter candle.
Samuel with his Great-grandma Stein at his reception.
Here are a couple pictures of Samuel in his baptism outfit.
We felt very blessed today surrounded by our loved ones! Congratulations to our sweet Samuel Leroy! We love you!!!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Ash Wednesday
It's Ash Wednesday. My kids don't totally get the gist of it yet but as I tried to simplify if for them I told them, "it's when we begin the count down to Easter, like Advent for Christmas". That Claudine and Eli seemed to understand anyway.
We talked once about sacrificing something or "giving something up" for Lent but when Claudine suggested she'd give up school and Eli suggested he'd give up running in the street I decided to let that sit for the time being. :) Instead {at Jason's suggestion} we're going to pray a decade of the Rosary each night as a family. I'm also personally doing a couple extra things. I'm going to make sure I drink at least four bottles of water a day and I'm not going to check facebook for the next 40 days {this one was also J's suggestion but I think it has merit}. My hope is one, I'll improve my health by drinking more water and two, I'll spend less time on the computer by passing on facebook.
We started off our Lent by attending Ash Wednesday Mass this morning {also the Mass Claudine and Eli attended with their classes}. Here's Samuel at five weeks old with his first ashes. I'm so excited for his upcoming baptism!
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